JOBU Plastics
The specialist to see for horticultural plastic products
coverpot MADRID

JOBU Plastics BV.
JOBU Plastics: the specialist to see for horticultural plastic products.
We design, develop and market new products that we think will have a future in the horticultural sector. To date, the JOBU clip ring is probably the most successful example of these products. We also develop specific products at the request of growers. Sometimes, these products are made exclusively for the particular grower who requested them; others are made available as part of our product line. Of these, our peduncle clamps are the most successful example. We also purchase products from third parties in the Netherlands and import various products. All these activities are aimed at being able to offer the widest possible range of handy plastic products.
This site does not list all the products we supply. If you are looking for a product you do not see here, we probably have it or are familiar with it.
If you are looking for a nonexistent product, we will be glad to talk with you about what you want. We will be pleased to devote our vast experience in devising creative solutions to helping you develop what you need.
Whatever your needs are, please let us know. We are here to help.
JOBU Plastics BV – Jos Buskermolen
In looking to the future, we intend to renew our efforts in continuing to devote ourselves to developing new products for horticulture – products that offer inexpensive, simple, effective solutions to make it easier for growers to get their work done.
The emphasis will be on products made of plastic because this material makes it possible to produce products for a low price, to produce products in greater numbers, and to design and develop intricate products.
We are keeping a close eye on developments in the field of bioplastics. At this time, their potential uses are limited and their price is relatively high. But developments are under way in bioplastics as well, and a specific application might call for using these materials.
Needless to say, input in the form of ideas from the horticultural sector is essential for developing new products. If you have an idea – or a problem that requires the development of a product – JOBU Plastics is the place to contact.
Our goal is to be the one place growers think of when they need a plastic product for a specific application. We already carry a wide range of products, as you can see on our product pages. Hopefully, many new ones are yet to be added.
Our motto is also our aim for the future: to be a BIG NAME in small products.
Back in 1983 when a fellow tomato grower came back from the US with a vine clip, an alert Jos Buskermolen was immediately interested. Since importing them would be a very expensive and time-consuming business, he decided to invest his entire savings in a mould for producing a vine clip he designed himself: the JOBU clip. And with this, JOBU Plastics was born. Growers throughout Europe were quick to purchase the JOBU clips. Today, they are simply an established part of tomato production.
In 1986, JOBU launched the first product it invented itself: the JOBU clip ring. It may have taken several years to get the product off the ground, but it finally took off and is now an enormous success. The JOBU clip ring is a quick and simple solution for attaching the stems of many kinds of plants to a cane for support.
A grower by the name of Aad van Mil is the person deserving the honour of having devised the basic principle for the peduncle clamp to support tomato clusters. It was his idea that JOBU Plastics used for the JOBU peduncle clamp introduced in 1987. Within a few years, this product, too, took off. Millions of these peduncle clamps are still being used throughout the world every year to prevent bent peduncles.
In 1995, a new grafting method developed in Japan and known as Japanese top grafting started being used in the Netherlands/Europe. This method makes use of a small flexible transparent silicon cuff known as a grafting clip to keep the rootstock and the scion together. By responding quickly to the need for a good product available in several sizes and models, JOBU Plastics was also successful in attracting a large international clientele for this product as well.
Over the years, many other designs have been successful in establishing their places in horticulture: J-hooks, side shoot hooks, clip hooks, courgette hooks, fruit training/support clips, multi-cane clamps, Hydrangea rings.
Who knows what will be next?